This workshop will discuss the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Affordable Care Act decision for expanding health coverage in the state. We’ll discuss what the law has already accomplished for New Yorkers, and the state’s response to the decision, including plans for a state exchange to cover the uninsured and improve health care quality for everyone else. Finally, joined by Richard Kirsch, the former Citizen Action co-Executive Director and the author of a new book on the successful fight to pass the Affordable Care Act (“Fighting for Our Health”), we’ll also apply the lessons of the successful national fight to pass the ACA to our new struggle for a “pro-consumer” exchange.
Presented by: Richard Kirsch, Roosevelt Institute and USAction; Dr. L. Toni Lewis, Chair, SEIU Healthcare; Carrie Tracy, Esq., Deputy Director, Health Initiatives, Community Service Society of New York; Bob Cohen, Esq., Policy Director, Citizen Action of New York